Handmade Infinity Gauntlet

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Diy Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Avengers From Cardboard

Diy thanos avengers infinity gauntlet from cardboard in this video i show you how to make really cool cardboard! also need rubber ...

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Homemade Infinity Gauntlet

My 4th time playing around making stuff with eva foam but first painting it... wanted to make it entirely of foam. later had use a cheap weld...

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Later had use a cheap weld. Wanted to make it entirely of foam. Diy thanos avengers infinity gauntlet from cardboard in this video i show you how to make really cool cardboard.

Also need rubber. My 4th time playing around making stuff with eva foam but first painting it.


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  1. Handmade Infinity Gauntlet


Handmade Infinity Gauntlet